White paper
Mar 14, 2024 Published on 03/14/2024

Rapport CAASM 2024 : Quelle est la maturité et les attentes des organisations françaises vis-à-vis des solutions CAASM ?

Inscrivez-vous pour télécharger le rapport de l'étude mené par OverSOC auprès des RSSI du CESIN sur leurs attentes vis-à-vis des logiciels CAASM, ainsi que le niveau de maturité cyber de leurs organisations.

What's in the white paper?

Discover the results of the second survey conducted by OverSOC, in collaboration with CESIN, to assess the cyber maturity levels of French organizations, and their operational expectations of Cybersecurity Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) solutions.


1. Discover the expectations and needs of companies in terms of asset management, attack surface and information system visibility in 2024.

2. Diagnose the processes and tools in place to better understand current and essential practices for strengthening information systems security.

3. Introduce the subject of Cybersecurity Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) to CISOs and CIOs.

4. Gain a better understanding of Top Management's perception of cyber challenges, and the associated operational reinforcement measures.

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